Frequently Asked

What do you do with my data?

Short answer, nothing. We don’t store any of your data. We don’t have access to your purchases, nor how you use the app. However, you can view the entire privacy policy here

What disciplines do you support?

Most of them. In fact, the only ISU category that isn’t supported by our app is Syncronized skating. Skates can score programs from Basic Novice - Senior in the following disciplines:

  • Singles
  • Pairs
  • Ice Dance
  • Solo Ice Dance

How accurate are the scores compared to the ISU Offical system?

We’d like to say that scores are identical. In most cases they are, and there is a drive to see that the app does reach a stage where it is 100% right all the time. There are a few edge cases outlined below where differences may arise:

  • In singles, if a skater performs a jump in the second half of the program, they will receive a multiplier of 1.1 to the base value. Presently, this feature is not configured within the app, although it is something that will be worked on in the future.
  • Again, Singles provides skaters the opportunity for Bonus Points when completing certain elements in the lower categories. This is something that will be released in a future version.

Aside from these differences, Skates is predominantly a Base Value calculator. It does have the ability to add Grade of Execution scores to configured elements, but this is limited to macOS. The app has been designed around Technical Specialists, and as such prioritises configuring the element rather than a Judges view on how an element has been performed.

Why do you charge a subscription?

Fair question. Basically, it allows us to keep developing the app, and keep the app relevant with seasonal changes that are released by the ISU each year. We are a small team, with 1 developer and a handful of testers in each discipline.

Do you support Family Sharing?

Yes, all of our subscriptions are available to be shared with your Apple family. This could be perfect if other members of your family are involved in the world of Figure Skating.

I tried the app, but it wasn’t for me. Can I get a refund?

If you change your mind during the trial period, and cancel the the trial, you won’t be charged. If you have already been charged for your subscription, sadly, we cannot perform a refund. We do not have access to Apple’s billing and payment system. However, you can use this link to request a refund directly.