
Here you can keep a changelog for your app. Edit the markdown based which is located in the _pages directory. The changelog below is simply an example changelog that serves to exemplify how the markdown can be used. You can be as creative as you want with the markdown.


Version 2.0


This is massive milestone for the Skates App. It has been completely redesigned under the hood. With new features and better handling of logic.

What’s New

  • Full redesign of the app’s architecture. We have moved completely to SwiftUI
  • Multiple UI updates. From simplifying the home screen, to new ways of analyzing programs and trends.
  • New Features, including MacOS and native iPadOS support. New platforms allow for new features, like comparing programs to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Updated Search. New ways to search and more information available at your fingertips. Explanations of symbols that you may see on a program print out.

Bug Fixes

  • Too many to count. That’s not say that you won’t find any!