Frequently asked Questions

Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions about this app.

What is it?

Moovin’ is a mobile app that is there to help you when moving home. You start by creating a home move, this is where you a moving from and to. Once this is done, you can start adding your boxes. Boxes contain your items, any number of items. Each box has a unique alphanumeric set of 8 characters (e.g. 12E4S67B). These codes can be written on your box, and using your camera scanned to quickly see what’s inside.

Why not just use a spreadsheet?

Yep, you could do that. You could tailor it to your exact needs. I created the app, because I was wanting to find a nerdier way to track where all my stuff was. And can a spreadsheet use your camera to scan a code and immediately show you what’s in that box? True, you could just search the spreadsheet, but where’s the fun in that?

Can I only use it when moving house?

So, here’s a little bit of an extra thing with this app. I designed it with simplicity in mind, I specifically tried to stay away from providing drop down options. My reason for this, is that it allows you to continue using the app even after you’ve moved in. You can create a box, call it what you like, maybe kitchen cupboard, and put your items in that. Then when you forget where you put your “Queen of England coming for dinner” china, just whip the app out, and boom!

Why not use a QR code instead of the code?

You’re right, I could have created a QR Code instead. Honestly, it would have probably been easier as it’s built in to iOS. The issue with this approach, is that if you have to print off a QR code, you might as well just print off a list of what is inside the box. Makes it pretty redundant, right?

what are the chances that I get a duplicate code recognition?

Like anything being recognised. There is a chance that you will get an error, when using the camera recogniser. Yes, the chances are reduced, if I had made the 8 character code, longer, or used a QR code. But I calculate that the chances of getting 2 identical codes is 1 in 218,340,105,584,896. So, if that happens, you go out and buy a lottery ticket immediately!

why do I have to pay?

This is probably the most difficult question to answer. Nobody wants to part with their own money, everyone wants free stuff. Could I have made the app free with ads? Sure, but I didn’t want to distract people when using it. To me, adverts would cheapen the experience.

What about a free tier and a paid tier? Yep, could’ve done that, but honestly, that would have complicated the app, and I would’ve had to make the choice as to what to include in the free and paid tiers.

Why not just make it free? Sure, I could have made it free. But I want to eat.

what’s the future hold for this app?

You can see a full road map as to what I am planning to add to this app here. But the top hits are:

  • Siri Integration. I’d love to be able to ask Siri “Where are the Christmas Decorations?” Since buying 45,000 AirTags would seem a little excessive, this could be the next best thing.
  • Exporting. When all else fails, it would be nice to be able to export to various file types. Maybe PDF, or some spreadsheet.

I found a bug, what do I do?

If you are using the iOS app, you can submit a bug report by going to Settings > Found a bug?. Then just fill in the information that you think will help me to find out what went wrong.

If you are on macOS, you can find the option to submit feedback by using the Help menu > Found a bug?

You can always just post an app review with the bug. That’s also fine :)

Eventually, I will have an support email (and website for that matter).